Throughout my day every day, I will receive text messages, phone calls, voicemail messages, emails (including many spam emails!), and not to forget – social media notifications. I am sure this is the same for most people in business.
So, how do we stay focused on what is IMPORTANT for us personally and for our business?
One way is to use a decision making matrix to set priorities. One such matrix is the Eisenhower Decision Matrix.
Here are four quadrants with some examples:

Ideally, Quadrant 1, “DO NOW” remains empty. The idea being to avoid tasks getting to the point of them being both URGENT and IMPORTANT. Tasks of this nature can get incredibly stressful, cause chaos, cause health issues, and disorganisation in both personal and business life.
Quadrant 2 – “SCHEDULE” is where you should spend most of your time, as much time as possible as these tasks are NOT URGENT and therefore, do not cause stress. However, these tasks are IMPORTANT and will result in achievement of goals, good health, and good relationships
Quadrant 3 – “DELEGATE” are tasks that appear to be URGENT and can masquerade as Quadrant 1 tasks, however, these are tasks that can be delegated. Aim to reduce these tasks, for example through outsourcing, and eliminate distractions.
Quadrant 4 – “ELIMINATE” are tasks that just waste our time and cause procrastination if given attention during your productive period of the day. Schedule these tasks at the end of the day and limit this time.
Need assistance with getting yourself organised? Contact Elke on 0410 819 783, Email
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Learn XERO online with MIEBS!
Xero Training – One day courses – Book HERE
We offer 4 Xero courses delivered by a ATO Registered BAS Agent with extensive experience in using and training in XERO:
- XERO in a Day – how to use XERO day to day, and the fundamentals of bookkeeping.
- Managing Payroll Using XERO – how to set-up and process payroll, and meet regulatory reporting using XERO
- Smarter XERO – how to sort out issues, set-up and use Fixed Assets, Hubdoc, Budgets, Manual Journals and much more
- Introduction to XERO Projects – how to setup and effectively cost manage small projects
- Xero Hubdoc Training – take this half-day course to understand how to use Hubdoc for business expenses and integrating business transactions into Xero
Do you need assistance with getting yourself organised? Contact Elke on 0410 819 783, Email
Our expertise is in systems, XERO training, MYOB and Microsoft Office applications.
Visit us on Facebook, or visit our website here. Visit our other blogs here.